Become An Effective Persuader So You Can Get What You Want—In An Ethical Way


Learn how you can go from a good communicator to a successful persuader.

In just 3 self-paced modules, you’ll learn how to:

  1. Use the scientific principles of influence to change people's behavior.
  2. Guard yourself from ill-willed persuaders.
  3. Use convincing body language, tonality, and words so you can become more persuasive.

By the end of this course, you will have all the necessary tools to get what you want.

Plus, you’ll learn how to become an ethical and honest master persuader. That alone will help you stand out from the crowd.

You Get To Decide How You Learn

Research shows that everyone learns differently. And scientists have found three channels for learning:

  1. Visual: Watching
  2. Auditory: Listening
  3. Kinesthetic: Learning by doing

To accommodate all learners, my online courses have all three modalities. You can learn through video, audio, exercise, or, by reading the course handbook. 

30-Day Guarantee

I assure that this course works. That's why I offer a no-questions-asked, 100 percent money-back, 30-day guarantee if this program doesn't make you more productive. If you decide you want a refund, thereā€™ll be no questions asked and no hard feelings whatsoever. All you need to do is email me for a refund.

About Your Instructor

There are a lot of "experts" on the internet who teach all kinds of things. I'm always skeptical about what I read and hear. Also, Who you learn from matters equally as what you learn. I recommend learning from teachers who've done something themselves. 

My background is in business. I received my Master's Degree in Business Administration from one of the top universities in The Netherlands (RuG) in 2011. While I was writing my thesis, I started a company called Vartex with my dad. We started importing professional laundry equipment but are now building our own operating systems and software for that industry. 

In 2015, I started my blog. Until now, more than 30 million people have read my articles. My ideas have been featured in publications like TIME, NBC, Lifehacker, Inc, and more.

Registration for Real Influence Is Currently Closed

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