Lesson 1: Help other people get what they want

The most important thing about wealth building is creating value for others. In the first lesson, we'll talk about why.

Lesson Description

What is wealth? And how is it created?

So many people start their journey to becoming richer without a clear understanding of what they are getting after. That's why so many of us fail to achieve our goals.

For the most part of my life, I was like that as well. I wanted to have more financial freedom but had no idea how people get wealthy. You just read about all the outliers and success stories in the news, and you think that getting rich is for the lucky.

But that's not true. Like most things in life, wealth is based on something tangible. In this case, it's about value. If you learn how to create value for others, you will get rewarded for that.

Lesson 1: Help other people get what they want

The most important thing about wealth building is creating value for others. In the first lesson, we'll talk about why.

Current Lesson

Lesson 2: Save money and spend what’s left

Most people spend their income and save what's left. In the second lesson, we talk about why that's detrimental.

Coming Soon

Lesson 3: Turn yourself into an asset

Did you know you're the most important asset when it comes to wealth building? Learn how to profit from that.

Coming Soon